Looking for a Camp?
Working with camps all across the country and having a really cool store in the heart of Western North Carolina’s 60+ summer camping industry, we are often asked, “What’s the best camp?” Choosing a summer camp for your child is very personal and kind of like finding the right college.... There are many great camps, many beautiful landscapes, many personable directors and lots of really good programming. The key to finding the right fit for your child is to match your child’s special interests, talents and goals with a camp that shares a similar mission. There are many ways to start. Look for camps accredited by the American Camping Association, visit a camp fair in your area and meet camp representatives, call the chamber of commerce or travel and tourism in an area of interest, ask a friend whose child goes to camp..... Do your research and then send them on for the time of their life. When your child comes home with a great big smile and had a good camp experience, then you definitely succeeded! Good luck; enjoy the journey and we hope your child has many great summers ahead!